Soul Path Hypnotherapy

This life is your own soul’s pathway.
Soul Path Hypnotherapy connects you to your own guides and your own answers to your life questions. Let us join your journey to bring you understanding and greater peace.
We are excited you are here!

Why Hynotherapy
Hypnotherapy opens the window between awake and asleep. You feel fully relaxed and your mind opens to your own highest and best intentions. This is where you can fully understand your own life on your own terms. Our role is to help you into this space in time to address your own questions.
Hypnotherapy is noninvasive and nonchemical.
Our Hypnotherapy Services

Big questions...Why am I here? What is my Purpose?
You know these answers when you can speak with your guides. Your guides speak with ours to share all the information that is appropriate for this time. No question is too small or too big for our own subconscious to explore. Our learnings can truly surprise us leading to fully satisfying paths we may never have considered.

Relationship and Career questions.
As you relax deeper into the state of hypnosis, answers will flow into your mind, you will know, you may see, hear or feel these answers. Our life carries many turns and crossroads. There are questions that are sometimes so clear in their answers that you cannot avoid the turn. Sometimes, these crossroads can be confusing to all of us.

Past Life Regression.
Soul Path Hypnotherapists are drawn to assisting you with entering and understanding your own past lives. The information and understanding that you can access will be for your own benefit in this life. You may have earthly lives, spirit only lives or off world lives. We are going to explore it all as you wish.

Lead Consultant
Elizabeth Shea, FACHE, CHt is a Certified and Registered Hypnotherapist with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and is a Fellow with the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Ms. Shea began Clariot Healthcare Consulting in 1997, added Energy Work in 2004 and Clinical and Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy in 2021.
She is joined by several additional consultants for your work in accordance to your requests.
Our mission is to empower you while you seek personal growth and spiritual guidance.
Through offering unique hypnotherapy experiences, we aim to help you discover your true self, overcome life's challenges, and find understanding and greater peace.